Please click on Back to District Level above to show Incident Statisitics for that District and to select a different Ward, data is visible in the table on the right.

Alternatively, if you wish to view Brigade wide incident data, use the Brigade Wide Summary button above.

Area map of the Ladgate Ward

Ladgate Ward Summary

Incident Type Last Year Actual Current Year Actual % Change Movement Performance Key
Deliberate Fires 3 4 33.33% Requires Improvement
Deliberate Primary Fires 1 2 100.0% Requires Improvement
Deliberate Secondary Fires 2 2 0.0% Performing Strongly
Deliberate Dwelling Fires 0 0 0% Performing Strongly
Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF's) 1 0 -100.0% Performing Strongly
Accidental Dwelling Fire Injury 0 0 0% Performing Strongly
Last Year Start Date Last Year End Date Current Year Start Date Current Year End Date
1st April 2023 31st May 2023 1st April 2024 31st May 2024


Last Data Uploaded June 18, 2024, 3:44 p.m.

  • All statistics may be subject to change following final data validation
  • Primary Fires are fires that occurred to property, vehicles and or involved casualties and or involved 5 or more pumping appliances.
  • Secondary Fires are NOT property fires eg. rubbish, grassland, wheelie bins and derelict buildings.